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The 2015 meeting programme will cover the following thematic blocks:
1. Climatology: On temporal and spatial variability of the Mediterranean climate and on methodologies for its characterization. Studies on phenomena that imply risk on people and property.
2. Processes and applications: Works describing meteorological processes in the Mediterranean, of regional or local character, as well as related applications (modelling, pollution, agrometeorology, etc.).
3. Remote and in-situ measurements: Contributions describing such techniques applied to research or numerical weather prediction, such as measurement of meteorological parameters or remote sensing.
4. Numerical modelling: Works regarding numerical modelling at all scales.
5. Wind energy: This session is focused on procedures, techniques and technologies to obtain proper estimations of the wind resource and accurate forecasts for wind energy production.
6. Water cycle and climate change: This session aims to bring together hydrologists and meteorologists who study the water cycle to share their research results and scientific challenges related to the water cycle in the Mediterranean basin under a changing climate
You will find more information (outline of programme, venue, conference committee, etc.) in
Contact the IMMCM Secretary ( if you need further details on the pre-registration procedure or the submission of abstracts.